Saturday, September 23, 2006

Start of studying break

History are meant to teach what never to repeat your mistake. But the thing is if you have already repeated your mistake, do you walk the same path as before? So much stuff have happen in the past week... ok maybe it is just the breakup of my guild which happened when i was playing ROSE (Running on Seven Episode).

Oh well... but life continues and i have to work on my world religion paper draft which is due on the monday right after my term break and 4 more mid-terms coming up. I'm going to be so dead for my Probability test. Since the tutor decided to teach us practical stuff like teamwork etc (though i hardly find it useful maybe he should just teach modules like management or what) and decided not to touch on our tutorials and think that we can know everything just because the solution is provided. Since this is the case, usually people just never do tutorial -.-, which also applies to me.

Yesterday Introduction to World Religion lecture has kind of gave me some abstract ideas that maybe i can try to put in my essay...but time to choose my topic.

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